Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's time to raise our glasses in celebration!

“Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.”
Clement Moore

It’s the time of year where indulging in hearty meals, rich chocolates and festive drinks is unavoidable. You keep asking: ‘What can I do to avoid the extra calories? And is there anything ‘natural’ for a hangover?’

I want to remind you that the holidays only come around once a year so enjoy them. Don’t spend your time consumed with what you’re consuming!

It’s time to raise our glasses in celebration and be thankful for the past year, those around us and the upcoming new year.

To ensure we all get through it with fond memories and not time spent sweating through stuffed bellies and painful hangovers here are some recommendations to cut calories and get through the headache, nausea, stomach discomfort, fatigue and dehydration experienced the morning after a few too many drinks.

Plan your day ahead:
• Keep your non-festive meals light. Enjoy some cottage cheese with a fruit or a green salad with freshly squeezed lemon dressing.
• More than likely starchy foods will be apart of your festive meal so leave them out of your other two meals.
• Avoid heavy creamy drinks or have as few as possible.
• Make sure to get your 8 glasses (8 oz = 1 glass) of water in! Drink some water before bed and the morning after to help clear out the extra salts consumed. Your best bet is to match each alcoholic drink you have with one glass of water while drinking and a glass of water every hour the day after.
• Eat slowly and stop when you’re full!

Too much to drink???
• For breakfast the next morning avoid acid-forming (greasy and fried!), fried eggs, bacon, black tea, coffee and white foods (bread). Choose foods that are lighter on the stomach and easier to digest such as brown rice, cooked vegetables, rice milk, nuts and seeds.
Ginseng tea is found to clear alcohol from the liver, detoxify the system, reduce blood alcohol levels and take care of nausea.
• Alcohol tends to deplete B vitamins from the body. Replenishing these vitamins will help with your body’s recovery, fatigue and memory. B rich foods include sunflower seeds, bell peppers, cauliflower, spinach asparagus, lentils, salmon, green peas and whole grains.
• Alcohol tends to rid the body of antioxidants. Replenish by incorporating blueberries, pomegranates and oranges into your day.
• Extract of milk thistle can reduce the ‘morning after’ feeling. You can find this is capsule or tea form.
Vitamin C helps strengthen the body and give you energy. You can get this through effervescent tablets in a glass of water. Incorporate vitamin C rich foods into your day.
• Alcohol dehydrates the body. Water! Water! Water!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!
I wish you all only the best of everything and may this New Year be filled with wonderful memories, laughter, love, joy and happiness!
May all your dreams & wishes come true…
Stay Healthy!

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