Wednesday, December 23, 2009

To your health and well-being!

“Your body is the harp of your soul. And it is yours to bring forth sweet music from it or confused sounds.”
Khalil Gibran, Lebanese American artist, poet and writer

I finally made it to the Science Centre and saw the Body Worlds exhibit. I must say it’s an exhibit worth visiting. Through the displays, pictures and videos our extraordinary make up is shown. Not only does it serve as a collection of facts and details about the human body, but it also addresses the idea of the heart as the centre of emotion and passion for humans.

Dec. 2009, BlogTo

This exhibit is a reminder of the importance of taking care of the body.

Here are a few ideas and suggestions that will nourish your body and help you look and feel great!

1) Limit your intake of meat: It’s been estimated that a third of all cancer patients developed disease as a result of insufficient whole plant fibre in their diets. You don’t need to give up meat just limit it.

2) Stop eating dead food: Its dead how do you expect to get any nutrients out of it?!?!? Choose fresh, whole foods. Avoid canned and preserved items they have little to no nutritional value.

3) Whole grains: When considering foods such as rice, pasta and bread always choose brown over white. Modern research has found that refined white products lack in nutrients, whereas whole grains are effective in lowering high blood sugar, rich in nutrients, contain B vitamins and antioxidants.

4) Sea vegetables: These have been found to prolong life, prevent disease and impart beauty and health. Seaweed contains more calcium than milk, more iron than beef, more protein than eggs and is rich in micronutrients. These vegetables include nori, kelp and dulce.

5) Essential Fatty Acids: Omega –3 is found in cold water fish, fish oils, walnuts and flaxseeds (ground and oil form). Omega-6 is found in borage oil, hemp, evening primrose oil and sunflower and pumpkin seeds. EFA’s help lower cholesterol, keep cells functioning properly, keep aging brains healthy, combat inflammation, revitalize skin and strengthen nails and hair.

6) Stop eating when your 80% full: Eat slowly and pay attention to your portion size. Stop when you’re satisfied not when you’re stuffed. Keep in mind – You shouldn’t have to unbutton or unzip anything!

7) Protein at every meal: Protein provides essential building blocks for the daily repair of nearly every single cell in your body. Good sources include skinless white meat such as fish, chicken and turkey, fat-free milk, yogurt and cottage cheese, egg whites, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds and tofu and soy.

8) Keep hydrated: Make sure to drink 8 glasses (8 oz = 1 glass) of water every day. It’s essential for your body to keep hydrated to stay strong and fight disease and illness. Also, compare your skin when your hydrated to when your not. Hydrated looks a lot healthier!

“And in the end, it’s not the years of your life that counts. It’s the life in your years.”
Abraham Lincoln

Stay Healthy!


  1. Love this post Raya! Very informative! I really want to see body worlds

  2. I'm glad you liked it!
    You should, it really is eye opening.
    A must see!
