Saturday, July 24, 2010

Himalayan Salt Lamps

I've been reading a lot about Himalayan Salt Lamps and the benfits of using one. It's recommended to have one lit in every room that has an electric device (TV, computer/laptop, radio, microwave, etc.). Aside from the numerous health benefits found, they're beautiful! I decided my health and my room needed one: 

Himalayan Salt Lamps are large crystal rocks carved from a larger salt crystal and hollowed so that you can place a light bulb or candle inside. When lit, the salt lamp heats causing the salt crystals to release negative ions.

How do they work?

Negative ions, found in sea air, mountain air and running water, are considered healthy. Negative ions in the air bind with airborne pollutants, making them heavier so that they fall to the ground, and therefore are unavailable to be inhaled.  

Unfortunatly, majority of us working indoors regularly spend our days around positive ions emitted from electronic equipment, such as flurescent lighting and computers. Positive ions are linked to mental and physical exhaustion, fatigue, headaches and lack of concentration.

For a better understanding of negative and positive ions and how they relate to our overall health check out: Research Proves That A Heated Salt Crystal Lamp Is A Natural Ion Generator
Health Benefits of Salt Lamps: 
  • Reduce symptoms of asthma, allergies, bronchitis, sinusitis, and other respiratory diseases
  • Reduce feelings of fatigue and insomnia
  • Improve concentration
  • Increase productivity
  • Reduce electromagnetic pollution
  • Improve air quality by reducing air pollution, airborne dust particles, and airborne bacteria and viruses
  • Reduce the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and other mood problems
  • Reduce stress
  • Relieve headaches and migraines

p.s. What do you think 'Diary of a Nutritionista's' new look?  I'd love to hear your thoughts so don't hestitate to send them my way!
Stay Healthy!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sugar-Coating the Truth about Artificial Sweeteners!

Some new information on artificial sweeteners, specifically Aspartame, came my way and I just had to share! 

Remember the piece I did in May on Why Honey? 

In case you've forgotten here's the bottom line: Aspartame, commonly found in diet sodas and 'sugar-free' foods has been labeled the culprit of numerous illnesses, such as arthritis, birth defects, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer's, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes.

Well, apparently Aspartame is undergoing a facelift to appeal to those of us who have put a big 'X' on it.

If the information I shared with you in the past wasn't enough and you needed more of a reason to stop using artificial sweeteners or you just need a simple reminder then check out: America's Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You With Name Change
Dr. Mercola's thoughts: "Aspartame producer Ajinomoto chose to rebrand it under the name AminoSweet, to 'remind the industry that aspartame tastes just like sugar, and that it's made from amino acids--the building blocks of protein that are abundant in our diet.'"

While you're at it also check out: Aspartame Dangers Revealed! 

Good Substitutes for refined sugar include: unrefined evaporated cane juice, Sucanat, Stevia, date sugar, maple syrup, molasses, honey, agave nectar or syrup. Make sure these products are pure, organic, and do NOT include filers.

Stay Healthy!