Friday, January 22, 2010

Detox Weekend Guide…

It’s the weekend and you’re still detoxing! Do you spend it at home sulking or go out and enjoy life?!?! GO OUT AND ENJOY LIFE! You’re detoxing, that doesn’t mean life needs to stop!

Go for dinner, see a movie, catch a show, play a sport, you can even go dancing… I know, you’re thinking, “But I can’t drink, and where am I going to find a dairy-free, gluten-free and sugar-free restaurant?!?!?”

So you can’t drink: get over it and move on. It’s one weekend, you can do it! Keep the goal in mind: A cleaner body, a healthier you and much more energy!

You may think eating out is an issue while detoxing, but in fact many restaurants and cafes accommodate people with food allergies and sensitivities. Don’t be afraid to ask your server questions concerning the ingredients in the various items on the menu. If you want something changed or simply taken out, ask if it’s possible. You’ll be surprised as to how easy these changes can be!

Gluten-Free Ontario lists restaurants and bakeries that exist in various areas (Thanks Bernard for bringing this website to my attention!). All you have to do is pick the area you wish to dine in and within seconds you’re given a list of possible dinning out options. Problem solved… Find a place and go try it out!

Over the past few days, I’ve been asked a number of questions concerning the detox. I think it would be beneficial to share a few of these questions and my answers.

1) Can I still detox without using supplements?

Yes. Sugar, gluten and dairy are considered culprit foods that inflate the body. In cutting them out, you give your body a break and your system a chance to clean out. Supplements may quicken the process and deepen cleansing, but for a first time cleanse they are not necessary.

2) Everything has sugar, how do I know what I can and can not have?

Almost all food items have sugar in them. Your job is to distinguish between natural sugar and added sugar. You want to eliminate added sugar. To find out if sugar is added you check the ingredients list, if sugar (or any of its other names or properties) is not listed then you can include the product in your diet.
NOTE: You are checking ingredients NOT nutritional facts.

3) What is gluten?

My good friend Wikipedia defines it best: Gluten.

4) Can I exercise while detoxing ?

Yes. Detoxing may make you feel tired, which is why I do not suggest strenuous exercise. You can lessen the level and time that you normally exercise at.
Detoxing is also a great time to clear the head and realign your body with your mind and spirit. Yoga would be a good way to clear the mind, cleanse the soul and get the body moving.
NOTE: Always consult a doctor before starting any new diet or exercise regimen.


Stay Healthy!


  1. Thanks for clearing up the confusion I had around sugar added and natural sugar. Looking forward to the end in 2 days!

  2. Glad it's clearer! Sorry about the confusion... You learn something new daily.

    Good Luck with your last couple of days!
    Keep making nutritious choices...
    Stay Healthy!
