Monday, February 1, 2010

Healthy Birthdays - A New Fad or Here to Stay?

"Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision; fresh hope. And out of hope progress." - Bruce Barton 

This weekend was my beautiful cousin’s eighth birthday. Her talented mother put together a ‘Hawaiian Hula’ party. Aside from the wonderfully themed décor and the adorable company, the food was delicious and nutritious… Well except for the chocolaty ‘Hula’ sensation of a cake she made!

The menu included a variety of salads, chicken stir-fry, beef patties, shrimp curry and salmon. Surprised?!?! I was!!! Especially since pizza, burgers, fries and chicken nuggets tend to be the menu of choice for birthday parties.

I was thrilled to see that there were so many healthy options and that the children were enjoying the food without a single complaint. This made me think about two articles I read on obesity in North America.

"One in four Canadian children is now estimated to be overweight and 1 in 10 is clinically obese," Carolyn Abraham, Globe and Mail.    

Check out Fat Nation: Canadians are heavier, wider, weaker and Childhood obesity.

Since obesity has become such an ‘epidemic’ shouldn’t we be paying closer attention to what we're consuming??? I think it’s time to kick this ‘epidemic’ in the behind and change our eating habits.

Trade fatty nutrition-less fries for antioxidant rich baked yam ‘fries.’

Start by making a nutritious change a week. Take it one day at a time… Before you know it making healthier meals and choices will come naturally!

What do you think: Are healthy birthday parties just a trend or are they here to stay???

Thanks 'Everyone Needs a Little PR' for the wonderful Detox critique! 

Stay Healthy!


  1. I think it's here to stay.
    With kids birthday parties all the mom's are usually fishing for ideas to one-up their own kids birthday party.
    Parents will catch the health food trend and carry it on.
    Except if the party is held at Chuck E. Cheese, that place is a heart attack waiting to happen!

  2. I hope so!
    I think if more people get into it it'll get places targeted to children to clean up the food they offer... small steps that's for sure!

    Stay Healthy!
