Monday, February 8, 2010

February is Heart month: The essentials to keeping your ticker strong...

When people think of February they tend to think ‘Valentines Day.’ People forget that February is ‘Heart Health Month.’ I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how important your heart is or how the health of your body effects the strength and power of your heart. These are things that I believe you all already know.

For a refresher check Out ‘Canada’s five most deadly diseases’ and try the ‘How Healthy is your Heart?’ quiz.

What I will do is draw your attention to heart strengthening super foods.

While living on Valentines Day goodies and chocolates for the entire month of February seems tempting and divine, think of your heart and aim for a healthier diet. Incorporate fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and vegetarian and/or lean proteins into your diet.


Foods for the Heart: walnuts, salmon, oranges, avocado, trout, fibre rich cereal, black beans, almonds, oats, artichoke and olive oil.

Add Garlic, onions, sage and turmeric to your food to add flavour and strengthen your heart.

Keep these all in mind and work on incorporating them into this month's meal choices!

Nutritionista's Recipe Corner:     

    Chopped Beets
    Chopped Cucumber
    Alfalfa Sprouts
    Lemon Juice
    Wasabi Mustard
    Bon appétit! 

Stay Healthy!


  1. that salad looks very yummy! I always stare at it when you bring it for lunch!

  2. lol well now you know what's in it & can try it out!
