Thursday, June 24, 2010

Today's Nutrition RX: Truly Good Friends

Yesterday was graduation day - Watch out world, up and coming savvy PR professionals are taking Toronto by storm with their smarts and sophistication!

A few of us got together for a 'Wine & Cheese' rendez-vous (Thank you Elizabeth for hosting such a fabulous night xoxo).

On my way home a quote I was sent earlier this month came to mind:

Tell me who your best friends are, and I will tell you who you are.
If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl.
But, if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights.

A mirror reflects a man's face,
but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.

The simple, but true fact of life is that you become like those with who you closely associate - 
for the good and the bad. 

When I received it, I added in my two cents, naturally, and responded with:

It's easy to pick friends who feed the heart, lift your spirit, and distract you from the hardships of life.
It's hard to find friends that also keep your best interests in mind; love you through the good and the bad; fight for you, with you, and by your side; and never give up on you.
That's true friendship - and that friendship is what nourishes the body, mind, spirit, and of course, the heart.   

I stand by every one of these words.

Last night I was reminded of how important it is to stay in touch with good friends, and of how lucky I am to have such wonderful people in my life.

Its been an odd week: It rained, it stormed, and apparently we had a mini earthquake. On top of that, let's be honest, the G8/G20 has taken over way too much of our lives!

Make the remainder of this week about something else.
Make it about you and all those lovely people in your life.
Make it a point to reach out to all your truly good friends be it through phone, email, text, or over lunch, dinner, tea, or drinks.
Unfortunately, it's good friends that we tend to forget and sometimes take for granted. 

To all my remarkable friends: Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Congratulations to all my PR peers!

Stay Healthy! 


  1. Loved seeing you at the party Raya! I hope we catch up again soon because you're a great friend & I'm so glad we went through the program together! :)

  2. I'm so glad you can to my party on Wednesday night, Raya, as it was great to see you and the others and catch up on all I've missed while in Newfoundland.

    To be honest, I wasn't sure if I'd be looking forward to moving back to Toronto in August, but the conversations and people at the party reminded me of how much I've missed the city!

    So now, I'm looking forward to the regular meet-ups we'll be having come September, and really looking forward to becoming better friends! :)


  3. Thank you ladies,
    Glad to have gone through the ups and downs of the wonderful world of PR with you.
    Looking forward to many more catch up sessions, and nights out!
