Friday, October 22, 2010

Meditate on it!

I'm sure I am not the only one that finds it extremely difficult to quiet the mind and find my 'centre.' There are days when I have so much going on that I feel my head may possibly explode right off of my neck.

Last night was one of those nights.

Did I lock my car? Did I turn off the hair straightener? Oh no, I forgot to pay my visa bill! Did I pay my MasterCard bill? I have to buy so-and-so a birthday gift. Where are we going again for so-and-so's birthday? Should I have applied to this position? Should I take that job? What should I do about this contract? What was the address to so-and-so's place? Right at Yonge and Eglington, or was it left? Blah, Blah, Blah, and Blah...

The mind is in constant chatter. Even when it's quiet and you vote for some rest and relaxation 'you' time, the mind tends to have other plans.

We've all heard the wonderful phrase: "Just meditate on it and the right path / decision will come to you." - Jee thanks, but how exactly does one "Meditate?"

Meditation was foreign to me. I always found it difficult and, most of the time, still do.

A state of complete silence - body, mind and spirit. Are you kidding me???

After getting through the torture of trying to focus, stay quiet and stop fidgeting, I began to understand and appreciate the importance of meditation. There is something about focusing on your inner thoughts that really helps clear the body, mind and spirit. 

It takes time and lots of patience. Two traits most of us hate to spare. 

A friend recommended Meditation - The first and last freedom - A practical guide to Meditation by Osho

I did not realize there were so many different ways to meditate. I found a lot of the meditations to be out of my comfort zone. I became too occupied with completing the meditations that I got distracted and lost the initial purpose of meditating.

Here are my thoughts on and some suggestions for meditating:
  • Meditation is about teaching yourself to live in the moment. To be in the moment. It's about listening, seeing, feeling and being.
  • After meditating ask yourself: "Does this meditation help make me feel good? Is this a meditation I would want to repeat?" If not, then it's time to make a change.
  • Meditation is about staying centred in everything you do. Pay attention to your actions, feelings and words. 
  • Focus on relaxing, watching and being judgement free.
  • I find it best to meditate in a comfortable and quiet place. 
  • Clear your mind and focus on one thought. I find it best to repeat the thought to yourself or out loud over and over.
  • Use essential oils to help keep you calm and focused.
Some helpful resources and interesting reads:

Good Luck...
Stay Healthy!

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