Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The 411 on the Listeria Contamination

Many are worried about the Listeria contamination so I thought I would answer a few of the widely asked questions as best as I can and provide sites to visit for further investigation and research.

What is Listeria?

Listeria is a type of bacteria. It is widespread in the environment. It can be found in soil, vegetation, water, sewage and in the feces of humans and animals. Plants and vegetables can become contaminated with Listeria from soil, water and manure-based fertilizers. Farm animals can also carry Listeria and contaminate various foods such as meats and dairy products.

Be aware: Foods that are contaminated with this bacterium can look, smell and taste normal. Listeria can be killed by proper cooking procedures.

Symptoms may include:
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Severe Headache
  • Constipation
  • Persistent fever
Recalled Products:

For a list of the recalled products, with CODE, product name and Best Before Date: Click!

What to do?

To minimize your chances of contracting listeriosis:

  • Read and follow all package labels and instructions on food preparation and storage.
  • After handling foods in the kitchen, especially raw foods such as meat and fish, thoroughly clean and sanitize all surfaces used for food preparation with a kitchen sanitizer or use a bleach solution and rinse with water.
  • To avoid cross-contamination, clean all knives, cutting boards and utensils used with raw food before using them again.
  • Thoroughly clean fruits and vegetables before you eat them.
  • Refrigerate or freeze perishable food, prepared food and leftovers within two hours.
  •  Defrost food in the refrigerator, in cold water or in the microwave, but never at room temperature.
  • Keep leftovers for a maximum of four days only and reheat them to an internal temperature of 74°C (165°F) before eating them.
  • Check the temperature in your refrigerator using a thermometer to make sure it is at 4°C (40°F) or below. As the storage temperature increases, so does the growth of Listeria in foods. The higher the number of bacteria in foods, the greater is the risk of getting sick.
  • Frequently wash and disinfect the refrigerator. The more often it is cleaned, the less chance there will be for Listeria to be transferred from contaminated food and surfaces to non-contaminated foods.
Your Immune System:

To work on your immune system refer back to: ‘Your Immune System,’ ‘To your health and well-being,’ and ‘Why Organic?

Interesting Reads:

Protect Your Baby and Yourself From Listeriosis
Listeria on the Loose?

Stay Healthy!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Why Honey?

I would first like to apologize for the disappearing act. This month has been a little crazy…But I’m back, I’m motivated and I'm excited to get back to the blogging sphere.

During this time away, numerous possible post ideas have come to mind and I can’t wait to share each and every one of them with you!

Today’s post is on artificial sweeteners and honey. I feel like I’m cheating because I presented this topic in my speech class, but I think it's important information that everyone needs to be aware of so for those of you who heard my speech… I’m sorry (geez I should’ve labelled this post ‘Nutritionista’s Many Apologies!’). For those of you who didn't hear it: Enjoy... 

One small change can increase your energy, nourish your skin and build your immune system. That small change is swapping artificial sweeteners for honey.

Dr. Joseph Mercola, one of North Americans leading natural health advisors, believes sugar substitutes such as Cyclamate known as Sweet ‘N Low, Aspartame, known as Nutrasweet and Sucralose known as Splenda should be avoided because their negative health effects exceed the sugars they are replacing. For more information: click! 

Artificial sweeteners are chemical based products that may affect your well-being and health.

Switching to a natural sweetener, such as honey, cuts risks to your health.

Arthur Evangelista, former FDA investigator reveals research that suggests overconsumption of artificial sweeteners can cause altered brain function, behaviour changes, fibromyalgia symptoms, dizziness, headaches, aggravated PMS and hair loss.

A 2005 study by the European Journal of Oncology found that the overconsumption of artificial sweeteners may link to numerous illnesses and disease.

Now if that’s not enough to get you thinking, how about this fun little fact: Sweet ‘N Low in the United States is made of Saccharin a chemical BANNED here in Canada. Sweet ‘N Low in Canada is made of Cyclamate a chemical BANNED in the United States.

So what makes one ingredient better for Canadians and the other better for Americans? Really makes you think…

Everywhere you look research and advisories suggest using artificial sweeteners with “caution.” I recommend following the precautionary principle, in other words, don’t use it. Why take the chance? Why not use a product that not only adds sweetness to your food, but also contains numerous health benefits; Why not use HONEY?

Honey is an ancient remedy full of natural healing properties. The health benefits of honey include: its nature’s energy booster, it’s an immune system builder and it’s a natural remedy for numerous ailments.

Research has found that honey offers antiseptic, anti-bacteria and antioxidant properties, which can help improve the digestive system and help you stay healthy and fight disease.

Honey has head-to-toe healing remedies. Some of the most common health problems such as fatigue, bad breath, athlete’s foot, hair loss, sleep disorders, arthritis and acne can be taken care of through the use of honey.

Honey also offers numerous beauty and skin care benefits. It works as an anti-aging skin care remedy, it nourishes all skin types and strengthens hair.

Some honey home remedies include…

For a skin boost - Mix six ounces of plain yogurt, a quarter ounce of finely crushed almonds, two teaspoons of honey and two teaspoons of wheat germ oil. Massage into skin and leave for 20 minutes. For more on skin care and health click! 

For a daily immune booster - Mix a spoonful of honey and lemon juice from half a lemon into a cup of warm water and drink before breakfast.

Feel a sore throat coming on? - Gargle with a mixture of two tablespoons of honey, four tablespoons of lemon juice and a pinch of salt.

Can’t sleep? - Have a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey it calms your system and induces sleep.

The next time you reach for an artificial sweetener think of your body and grab a spoon full of honey instead, because Eating for health has never been sweeter.

Congrats to all my PR lovelies who finished last week! 
Good Luck & All the Best! 

Stay Healthy!